
Optimise your laboratory efficiency


At the heart of laboratory work, accurate tube identification is crucial for successfully conducting experiments, minimizing errors and ensuring the integrity of research data. Whether it is blood samples in a medical laboratory or samples in a scientific research laboratory, correctly identifying tubes is an essential step that should not be overlooked. Find out how barcode labels and durable printers can help improve efficiency in the laboratory.

Why is identifying with a barcode important?

Using barcode labels increases the accuracy of tube identification, minimizing the risk of errors and loss of sample integrity. Combined with durable printers, you guarantee the most reliable results: Durable printers enable laboratories to produce consistent, high-quality labels that are resistant to environmental factors such as moisture, temperature and chemicals, ensuring readability and durability of identification.

A misidentified tube can lead to the loss of sample integrity, resulting in inaccurate test results or even the need to run test again.
As well as for traceability, accurate identification is essential for tracking sample origin, tracking experiments and complying with regulatory requirements, especially in regulated laboratories.

Accurate identification will also ensure consistency and reliability of study data in quality procedures.

Discover some best practices below the pictures.

Best practices:

  • Use of labels: Use clear, durable labels that can withstand environmental factors such as moisture, temperature and chemicals. Make sure labels are secure and easy to read.
  • Unique identification codes: Use unique identification codes or barcodes on tubes and associated documentation to make samples traceable and minimise human error.
  • Consistent notation: Standardize the notation of information on labels, including sampleID, date, time, and any other relevant data. This makes it easier to interpret information quickly and accurately.
  • Regular checks: Perform regular checks to ensure that labels are secure and that information is still clearly legible. Replace damaged or faded labels if necessary.
  • Staff training: Ensure adequate training of laboratory staff on proper tube identification procedures and the importance of accuracy and consistency.

Correct tube identification is thus a fundamental aspect of laboratory work that should not be overlooked. By following the above tips for tube identification, among others, laboratories can improve the accuracy of their results, increase efficiency and ensure the integrity of their research data.

Do you also want to improve efficiency in your laboratory? Use the expertise of the I-Label team and discuss possible options, within your desired timeframe and budget.

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